Seeing Anew
Personal change in a form of mind is a change in the way we see ourselves in the world. If we want to help someone in this process, we necessarily need to help them see themselves anew.
This means that all aspects of communication need to be flexible and fluid: the place where we communicate (medium and boundaries), the goals of communication, how scripted communication is, our affordance to be not-clear-yet thinking, and the people within it.
Sometimes, despite their best intention, a change agent can be the bottleneck by not adapting their view of the person in front of them and assuming the direction of change.
Being able to expect something but nothing specific, together with the active state of drawing a frame without a picture, captures most of the wordy dynamics above.
Seeing Anew was originally published in I Know Myself on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.